Open Trails

Open Trails is our Equine Facilitated Wellness program.

What is Equine Facilitated Wellness?

Equine Facilitated Wellness is an unmounted program that provides an alternative approach to mental health services. Rainbow Riders draws its approach from Eagala (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) - “An innovative mental health treatment model incorporating horses who are highly attuned and offer an environment for clients to discover their answers within themselves.” For more information on this method, please visit Equine Therapy and Assisted Counseling | Eagala.

At an Open Trails session, a certified mental health professional and horse handler work together to create a safe space for participants to explore their emotions, thoughts, and learn more about themselves. In comparison to traditional talk therapy, participants work in partnership with the equine, as well as the mental health professional and horse handler. Each session looks different depending on the individual needs of the participants.

What does a session look like?

Open Trails sessions look very different depending on the goals of the client. Some sessions involve walking our trail system and observing horse behavior, others include grooming, leading, or other unmounted horse handling activities.

The pictures to the left show a session where the client built an obstacle course that represents a challenge they are facing in their own life. Together, the horse and participant worked through the obstacle course and in doing so, learned strategies for coping through their challenges.

Interested in Open Trails…..

To Register for Open Trails we require the completion of our Registration Form. Please click the button below to download the form. Booking inquiries and completed forms can be sent via email to Charlotte Akerman at:

Our Open Trails Team

  • Charlotte Akerman

    Mental Health Clinician (MSW, RSW)

    Charlotte is a social worker with over 25 years of experience in the areas of child development and mental health.

    Charlotte is certified as an Equine Assisted Mental Health Clinician with EAGALA.

  • Megan Boothby

    Horse Handler

    Megan is a Junior Instructor at Rainbow Riders and also acts as the Horse Handler in our Open Trails sessions.

  • Reanna George

    Horse Handler

    Reanna is a Junior Instructor at Rainbow Riders and also acts as the Horse Handler in our Open Trails sessions.